Tuesday, April 3, 2018

I CAN'T TAKE IT!!!!!!!!!!! >=( >=( >=(

Why do most people hate Sonic the Hedgehog so much now!?! It doesn't make any sense. It just makes me want to tear up my computer apart bit by bit. I don't want to sound geeky (oh what the hell, I'm gunna do it whether you like it or not), but I want to tell everyone to stop acting total morons and try to like what's great about Sonic's 3D design! I know it's because of the fact that they prefer the nostalgic version of Sonic (the one from 1991) instead of the 3D version. Well here is the thing: the 3D version was my whole childhood! Sonic Unleashed, Sonic Colors, Sonic: Free Riders, Sonic Lost World, etc.., I can go all friggin' night! But I also like the old version as much the new one, too. So there you have it, my hidden anger finally came out! Also, do me a little favor and LIKE 3D SONIC FOR ONCE!!!!!! >=(. But if you like Sonic , 2D or 3D, you are okay =)

1 comment:

  1. Sorry about that, but that's exactly how I feel deep within' me, so please like the recent design of Sonic, I'm begging you <=(
