Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Fan Voice Acting... Splatoon Style

Now it is Splatoon. But this time I got passion for it for Splatoon is so awesome that it would make me happy to make this. 

So here are my thoughts

OR3O as Inkling Girl and Boy and Octolings
Image result for or3oImage result for inkling girlImage result for inkling boyImage result for octolings

Mike McFarland as Cap'n Cuttlefish
Image result for mike mcfarlandImage result for cap'n cuttlefish talking

Crusher-P as Squid Sisters and Off the Hook
Image result for crusher-pSquidSisters.pngImage result for off the hook splatoon

Nathan Sharp as Spyke and Murch

Image result for nathan sharpImage result for spyke

Greg Cipes as Sheldon and Crusty Sean
Image result for greg cipesS2 crusty sean.png

Pitbull as Iso Padre
Image result for pitbull actorOcto Expansion Gusok promo.jpg

Snoop Dogg as Bisk
Image result for snoop doggBisk.png

Nick Kroll as DJ Octavio
Image result for nick krollDjoctavio.png

Monday, June 25, 2018

Happy Anniversary, ACI

Today is the first anniversary, or should I say blog-iversary, of my blog 👍🎉👏😊. We had a lot of good times like the intro in last June, my first comic page of The Tales of Five Nights at Freddy's,my reaction after watching Infinity War, and the first time I post something for a friend 3 weeks ago. Those were good times, and now we can make more for years on end. Happy Blogiversary, Awesome Comics Inc. <)

Saturday, June 23, 2018

BOY!!!!!! (One of the worst mistakes I have made so far...)

This was a little something that has been a horrible idea to ever come up with. Now don't get me wrong I ❤ God of War, Greek and Norse. But here it is anyway =/

Sunday, June 3, 2018

For a Friend

I'm doing this as what the title says up there. Her name is SleepyQueen, a youtuber who makes nifty drawings for memes and her own stories, and you can find her here:
