Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Goodbye Toys R Us

How can one of the greatest best-selling stores in all of the entire friggin' world be closing for good (I think =\). To me it's just not right, but to the people who been through nostalgia with the store is anarchy and a total end of the world to them. But this totally unfair, this can't happen today, but, unfortunately, that's life: somethings that you know come and go.

See the source image

See the source image

See the source image

Farewell, Toys R Us ='(

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

The Untimingly Death of a Genius

Stephen Hawking, a genius of cosmology, has died today at the age of 76, it made me shocked for the moment. I didn't realize it would happen today. And without him, what would we do now?

Stephen Hawking

Image result for non copyrighted pictures of stephen hawking

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

To Matpat, the proud father of Matpat Jr. (I think)

I would like to say congrats to the happy Matpat himself, or shall we say Dadpat. He deserves to be a proud soon-to-be-father to his soon-to-be-born son/daughter and a loving husband to his loving wife, Stephanie. Him being a dad does make him cooler. Anyway, I'm proud of you Mat, really <)

Movie Review #1

Tonight, I watched one of the most confusing movies ever, A Wrinkle in Time. It was awesome yet weird and a little non-understandable. The movie had some good graphics and nifty animation though, but the plot was very hard to understand. I liked the characters, the landscapes, the dialogue, and the creativity and geometry they used in this movie. I got to say, it was a pretty good movie to watch. If you saw it, see what you think.