Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Characters from other comics #1

This is a tribute to one of my most favorite comics ever: Twokinds. I hope Tom finds it and likes it someday ^w^

Saturday, February 24, 2018

My thoughts about the school shooting in Florida

The shooting in Florida was pretty grizzly. It kind of gave me a stomach ache there since I was in school. And since then, we had to keep our phone and headphones in our bags since it was one of the reasons they the students that didn't make it out lucky. May those kids who passed on because of that incident rest in peace =(

What was supposed to be on Valentines Day

Sorry everyone, I know Valentines Day was 10 days ago, but it's still February so here it is anyway <D

Friday, February 9, 2018

Olympic Talk

The PyeongChang Olympics have been initiated. I was watching the ceremony and was as fascinating as the rest of the others. Now what I like to talk and ask about is this: Is it still possible for Mario and Sonic at the PyeongChang Olympic Winter Games to be out? I mean if they did Rio in 2016, they obviously can do it. But who knows if they still can. Anyway, kudos for SK and NK working together to make this amazing thing possible.

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Hows about a Valentines Day post

I'm gonna think of making a Valentines Post that involves FNAF (obviously). I'm not telling ya because it's a bit of a surprise ;)

Sunday, February 4, 2018

My Big Surprise..

Hey everybody, I got big news for all of you: Today's my birthday, Yay <D <D!! Happy B-Day to me.